ABSTRACT:Cyanobiphenyl mesogen-containing oxetanes functionalized by a second siloxane-containing substituent on the same carbon atom of the ring were synthesized. Polymers were obtained by cationic polymerization with BF 3 · OEt 2 or Et3O + BF 4 as an initiator. The poiymers showed smectic liquid crystalline phase. Introduction of siloxane linkage in the second substituent kept the glass transition temperatures of the polymer almost constant irrespective of the difference of the spacer length. The clearing temperature became higher with the increase in the length of the spacer group connecting the mesogenic group to the main chain. By these two effects on the transition temperatures, the temperature range of the liquid crystalline state became wider with the increase in the length of the spacer group.KEY WORDS Oxetane / Cyanobiphenyl / Siloxane Linkage/ Cationic Polymerization/ Glass Transition Temperature / Liquid Crystalline Polymer / Smectic Phase / Much attention has been paid recently to liquid crystalline polymers, especially to side-chain type, because of their potential application for electronic devices. Poly(siloxane)s, poly(acrylate)s, and poly(methacrylate)s are common main chain components of such liquid crystalline polymers. 1 -4 There are some new examples in which hetero-atom containing main chain like poly(phosphazene ), poly(aziridine ), polyether, or poly(isocyanate) are used. 5 -24 We have been interested in the relationship between the structures of main chain, spacer, and mesogenic group and the liquid crystalline phase exhibited by the polymer, and reported examples of liquid crystalline poly( oxetane)s 20 -22 and polydienes. 25 -2 7 In the reports, 2 5 -2 7 we showed the effective role of the siloxane linkage as a constituent of the spacer. Effectiveness of the introduction of a siloxane linkage in the spacer in exhibiting well-organized liquid crystalline phase was also pointed out. 28 -30 Meanwhile considerable interests have been paid to the effect of the introduction of a second monomer component into a liquid crystalline polymers by random copolymerization 31 -35 or block copolymerization. 36 However, by these methods, second component can be introduced only on the basis of the monomer reactivity ratio or as a microphase-separated segments, accordingly, it is difficult to introduce a second specific functional group at the specific position to the mesogenic group.We were interested in the effects of siloxane linkage as the second substituents, and synthesized oxetane monomers having a siloxane-containing substituent along with the mesogenic group on the same carbon atom in the molecule in order to introduce these groups at the specific position to the mesogenic group in the polymer. In this article, we would like to report on the synthesis of the monomers, polymerization and the effect of the second component on the liquid crystalline behavior of the formed polymers.1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. EXPERIMENT AL 1 H and 13 C NMR spectra were obtained on a Varian ...