Objectives: This research was conducted to determine the impact of certain socio-economic factors like occupational hazards, high income, educational attainment, living environment, family and social relationships and insurance status on the health behaviour of people living
in rural areas of China. This research addressed the gap in the body of knowledge as it steadily examined the health-related behaviour approach in rural China. Methods: The data for this research was collected from 283 respondents, and Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS-21)
was used to analyze data. Results: The findings of this study reported that occupational hazards, high income, living environment, and insurance status are highly correlated to people's health behaviour. However, the study found educational attainment and family and social relationships
have no relations with people's health behavior in China. Conclusion: The findings of this study have theoretical as well as practical importance for policy implications. The Chinese government must work to provide better health-related facilities to the people to improve their health