To cite this version:O. Tahri, François Chaumette. Point-based and region-based image moments for visual servoing of planar objects. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE, 2005, 21 (6) Abstract-Moments are generic (and usually intuitive) descriptors that can be computed from several kinds of objects defined either from closed contours or from a set of points. In this paper, we present improvements in image-based visual servo using image moments. First, the analytical form of the interaction matrix related to the moments computed from a set of coplanar points is derived, and we show that it is different of the form obtained previously using coplanar closed contours. Six visual features are selected to design a decoupled control scheme when the object is parallel to the image plane. This nice property is then generalized to the case where the desired object position is not parallel to the image plane. Finally, experimental results are presented to illustrate the validity of our approach and its robustness with respect to modeling errors.