Let K be a number field, let A be a finite dimensional semisimple Kalgebra and let Λ be an O K -order in A. It was shown in previous work that, under certain hypotheses on A, there exists an algorithm that for a given (left) Λ-lattice X either computes a free basis of X over Λ or shows that X is not free over Λ. In the present article, we generalise this by showing that, under weaker hypotheses on A, there exists an algorithm that for two given Λ-lattices X and Y either computes an isomorphism X → Y or determines that X and Y are not isomorphic. The algorithm is implemented in Magma for A = Q[G] and Λ = Z[G], where G is a finite group satisfying certain hypotheses. This is used to investigate the Galois module structure of rings of integers and ambiguous ideals of tamely ramified Galois extensions of Q with Galois group isomorphic to Q 8 × C 2 , the direct product of the quaternion group of order 8 and the cyclic group of order 2. The first named author was supported by Project II.2 of SFB-TRR 195 'Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application' of the German Research Foundation (DFG). The second named author was supported by EPSRC First Grant EP/N005716/1 'Equivariant Conjectures in Arithmetic'.
Preliminaries on lattices and ordersFor further background on lattices and orders, we refer the reader to [Rei03, §4 and §8]. Let R be an integral domain with field of fractions K. To avoid trivialities, we assume that R = K. An R-lattice is a finitely generated torsion free module over R. For any finite dimensional K-vector space V , an R-lattice in V is a finitely generated R-submodule M in V . We define a K-vector subspace of V byNow further suppose that R is a noetherian integral domain and let A be a finite dimensional K-algebra. An R-order in A is a subring Λ of A (so in particular has the same unity element as A) such that Λ is a full R-lattice in A. Note that Λ is both left and right noetherian, since Λ is finitely generated over R. A left Λ-lattice X is a left Λ-module that is also an R-lattice; in this case, KX may be viewed as a left A-module.Henceforth all modules (resp. lattices) shall be assumed to be left modules (resp. lattices) unless otherwise stated. Two Λ-lattices are said to be isomorphic if they are isomorphic as Λ-modules.Lemma 2.1. Let S be a noetherian integral domain such that R ⊆ S ⊆ K. Let Γ be an S-order in A. Let V be a finitely generated A-module. For any R-lattice M in V , the setProof. That M ⊆ ΓM is clear. Note that K is the field of fractions of both R and S. Write M = v 1 , . . . , v l R and Γ = w 1 , . . . , w m S . An easy calculation shows thatand hence ΓM is an S-lattice in V . Moreover, it is straightforward to see that ΓM is also a Γ-module and therefore is a Γ-lattice in V .Lemma 2.2. Assume the setup and notation of Lemma 2.1. Let Λ be an R-order in A and let f : X → Y be a homomorphism of Λ-lattices. Then the following hold. 4 3.1. Restricting isomorphisms over maximal orders. By [Rei03, (10.4)] there exists a (not necessarily unique) maximal O-order M such that Λ ⊆ M ⊆ A...