We construct a 15-dimensional affine variety Π 15A with a GL2-and (C * ) 4 -actions. We denote by Π 14A the affine variety obtained from Π 15 A by setting one specified variable to 1 (we refer the precise definition to Definition 1.1 of the paper). Let Π 13 P be several weighted projectivizations of Π 14A , and Π 14 P the weighted cone over Π 13 P with a weight one coordinate added. We show that Π 13 P or Π 14 P produce, as weighted complete intersections, examples of prime Q-Fano threefolds of codimension four belonging to the eight classes No.308, 501, 512, 550, 577, 872, 878, and 1766
of the graded ring database [GRDB]. The construction of Π 15A is based on a certain type of unprojection and is inspired by R.Taylor's thesis [Tay] submitted to University of Warwick. We also show that a partial projectivization of Π 15A has a P 2 × P 2 -fibration over the affine space A 10 . To show this, we introduce another 13-dimensional affine variety H 13 A whose product with an open subset of A 2 is isomorphic to a sextic cover of an open subset of Π 15A .