Tht' thermodynamic ioniza li on conSlanls of mela and para subs lituled allyl· and p ropenyl benzoic ac ids wer£' detNmined poten tiom elr ically in aq ueous e thanol of varying elhanol co ncentra tion. The /)/\ va l ups increasl' wit h increasing e thanol content. The rela li ve acid s trength does not vary wi th 1\,.\ \Vor,\': 1 \11 , 1-alld prol,en yll)(' ll wi(' acid s. ('hangc of pK wil h dieleclric co nSl a nl , Hamm e ll Sit!IlHI constall t s. ion i zatio n ('(l il s t a llt s . pK va lu es in e thanol -wa te r, s igma ('o ns t an ts ill l't ba nol-,,,,I(' r . ,ubS lillll ('d "('nwi(' acids.