Let T be a tilting module. In this paper, Gorenstein σ[T ]-injective modules are introduced and some of their basic properties are studied. Moreover, some characterizations of rings over which all modules are Gorenstein σ[T ]-injective are given. For instance, we show that every R-module is Gorenstein σ[T ]-injective if and only if every flat R-module is Gorenstein σ[T ]-injective if and only if R is a σ[T ]-injective module on itself.(1) pd(T ) ≤ 1, where pd(T ) denotes the projective dimension of T .(2) Ext i (T, T (λ) ) = 0, for each i > 0 and for every cardinal λ.(3) There exists the exact sequence 0 → R → T 0 → T 1 → 0, where T 0 , T 1 ∈ Add T . Also, by Pres n T and Pres ∞ T , we denote the set of all modules M such that there exist exact sequencesAsian-European J. Math. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by MONASH UNIVERSITY on 10/10/15. For personal use only.
1550083-2Asian-European J. Math. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by MONASH UNIVERSITY on 10/10/15. For personal use only.
1550083-9Asian-European J. Math. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by MONASH UNIVERSITY on 10/10/15. For personal use only.