ABSTRACT. Weak relatively uniform convergences (wru-convergences, for short) in lattice ordered groups have been investigated in previous authors' papers. In the present article, the analogous notion for MV-algebras is studied. The system s(A) of all wru-convergences on an MV-algebra A is considered; this system is partially ordered in a natural way. Assuming that the MV-algebra A is divisible, we prove that s(A) is a Brouwerian lattice and that there exists an isomorphism of s(A) into the system s(G) of all wru-convergences on the lattice ordered group G corresponding to the MV-algebra A. Under the assumption that the MV-algebra A is archimedean and divisible, we investigate atoms and dual atoms in the system s(A). A different standpoint is applied in [5]; here, there are studied archimedean lattice ordered groups with a fixed regulator.The notion of ru-convergence in archimedean lattice ordered groups was generalized in [7] in two directions. First, the lattice ordered group G under consideration was assumed to be abelian (this is a weaker condition than the assumption of the archimedean property). Secondly, it was assumed that the regulators form a set M = ∅ of archimedean elements of G such that M is closed with respect to the operation + . This type of convergence was called a weak relatively 2010 M a t h e m a t i c s S u b j e c t C l a s s i f i c a t i o n: Primary 06F20; Secondary 06D35. K e y w o r d s: Lattice ordered group, relatively uniform convergence, weak relatively uniform convergence, regulator, MV-algebra, atom, dual atom.