The available experimental data on the interaction of polarized and unpolarized deuterons with a large deuteron momentum transfer require their theoretical description and interpretation. At the same time, further experimental studies require theoretical predictions in turn. In particular, there is a need to develop a theoretical model that makes it possible to smoothly connect available experimental data obtained at low-energy region, at which the nucleon-meson structure of the deuteron appears, with data obtained at high-energy region. The latter are related to the structure of the deuteron at small distances. Approaches based on the quark description of the deuteron structure are more adequate for their interpretation. The creation of such a model is an urgent task of modern nuclear physics, since it will allow one to reliably compare the asymptotic predictions of perturbative quantum chromodynamics and other quark approaches with the available experimental data. This will also make it possible to develop the theoretical approaches necessary for planning future experimental studies of elastic and inelastic deuteron scattering at high energies. In the framework of the Glauber–Sitenko model, the contribution of the Coulomb interaction to the reaction cross section A(d,p) at high energies and zero proton angle is calculated. The effect of taking into account the Coulomb interaction for the cross section in a wide inter-nuclear region is evaluated. The present calculations are compared with experiment. One fines that the Coulomb interaction gives a sizable contribution in the observables only at a peak, where the proton momentum is near half of the deuteron momentum in the lab. frame. But it does not change the results in the high momentum region, where quark effects should be taken into account.