A great improvement on a previous work (Phys. Rev. B48 (1993) 14067) has be e nmade. By taking into account all the irreducible representations and their components in the electron-phonon interaction (EPI) as well as all the levels and the admixtures of basic wavefunctions within d 3 electronic con guration, the values of all the parameters in the expressions of thermal shift (TS) and thermal broadening (TB) from EPI for the ground level, R level and R line of MgO:V 2+ have microscopically be e nevaluated and then, both the TS and TB of R line and various contributions to them have uniformly been calculated. The results are in very g oodagreement with the experimental data. It is found that all the three terms of TS from EPI are red shifts the term of the contribution to TS from thermal expansion is blue shift. The Raman term is the largest, and the other terms are also important for TS. The R-line TS of MgO:V 2+ comes from the rst-order term of EPI. The elastic Raman scattering of acoustic phonons plays a dominant role in R-line TB of MgO:V 2+ . For calculations of bo t hthe TS and TB, it is very important to take into account all the admixtures of wavefunctions.PACS numb e r s : 78.20.Nv, 71.70.Ch, 63.20.Mt, 63.20.Kr the new conclusions di erent from previous work will b e obtained.2 Various Contributions to TS from EPI An interaction system of local electronic states of a transition-metal ion and phonons of the lattice vibration is considered. Its Hamiltonian is