Focusing several-cycle laser pulses to relativistic intensities in a X3 volume on plasma of 4k scale-length leads to deflection of the radiation. Spatio-spectral measurements at I 1.5x10'8 W/cm2 show relativistic deflection and spectral broadening.
Relativistic DeflectionFew-cycle laser pulses focused to a X3 volume can produce relativistic intensities with only lmJ of energy.Relativistic intensity is achieved when the dimensionless field strength a0 > 1, where ao = eEo/mewc (for X = 800nm, a0 = 1 corresponds to I= 2x1 018 W/cm2). In the relativistic X3 regime, isolated attosecond pulses can be efficiently formed through relativistic reflection, deflection, and compression[l,2]. Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations show that attosecond pulses are formed for different plasma profiles, and the compressed pulse durations scale inversely with driving field strength [3].The extreme spatial and temporal gradients achieved through 3 focusing enhance the mechanism for relativistic deflection and compression. The short pulse duration minimizes instabilities, while the tight focusing provides the strongest slopes in the plasma density, deflecting subsequent half-cycles of the driving radiation into unique nonspecular directions. This coherent motion of the critical surface also provides relativistic Doppler compression, generating attosecond pulses with conversion efficiencies as high as 10%. Isolated attosecond pulses have previously been generated using high harmonic generation in gases with conversion efficiency -Io0-6[4].For several-cycle pulses, 2-D PIC simulations reveal that relativistic deflection also occurs, producing attosecond pulse trains in non-specular directions. For 1k spot size, ao = 1, 20fs, normal incidence on a plasma with 0.1k scale length, 2-D PIC simulations indicate separate trains are formed, as shown in Fig. 1. deflected pulse trains X incident pulse f\ fUwn' Fig. 1. Deflection of the radiation in 2-D PIC simulation: Electromagnetic energy density with aO = 1, r = 20fs, 0 = 0°, plasma scale length = 0. Ik As shown in Fig. 2, 3-D PIC simulations show that for normal incidence with 5fs, a0 = 3, n = 1.5n,. with a steplike profile, the deflection process only occurs in the plane that contains the electric field vector [3]. This result is due to the break in symmetry produced by the electric field driving electrons across the surface boundary in the direction of polarization. In the plane perpendicular to the polarization plane symmetry is preserved and the resulting 1509