We consider a spherically symmetric general relativistic perfect fluid in its comoving frame. It is found that, by integrating the local energy momentum conservation equation, a general form of g 00 can be obtained. During this study, we get a cue that an adiabatically evolving uniform density isolated sphere having ρ(r, t) = ρ 0 (t), should comprise "dust" having p 0 (t) = 0; as recently suggested by Durgapal and Fuloria (J. Mod. Phys. 1:143, 2010) In fact, we offer here an independent proof to this effect. But much more importantly, we find that for the homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric having p(r, t) = p 0 (t) and ρ(r, t) = ρ 0 (t), g 00 = e −2p 0 /(p 0 +ρ 0 ) . But in general relativity (GR), one can choose an arbitrary t → t * = f (t) without any loss of generality, and thus set g 00 (t * ) = 1. And since pressure is a scalar, this implies that p 0 (t * ) = p 0 (t) = 0 in the Big-Bang model based on the FRW metric. This result gets confirmed by the fact the homogeneous dust metric having p(r, t) = p 0 (t) = 0 and ρ(r, t) = ρ 0 (t) and the FRW metric are exactly identical. In other words, both the cases correspond to the same Einstein tensor G a b because they intrinsically have the same energy momentum tensor T a b = diag[ρ 0 (t), 0, 0, 0].