We prove the nonlinear stability in the contracting direction of Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) solutions to the Einstein-scalar field equations in n ≥ 3 spacetime dimensions that are defined on spacetime manifolds of the form (0, t 0 ] × T n−1 , t 0 > 0. Stability is established under the assumption that the initial data is synchronized, which means that on the initial hypersurface Σ = {t 0 } × T n−1 the scalarAs we show that all initial data sets that are sufficiently close to FRLW ones can be evolved via the Einstein-scalar field equation into new initial data sets that are synchronized, no generality is lost by this assumption. By using τ as a time coordinate, we establish that the perturbed FLRW spacetime manifolds are of the form M = t∈(0,t 0 ] τ −1 ({t}) ∼ = (0, t 0 ] × T n−1 , the perturbed FLRW solutions are asymptotically pointwise Kasner as τ ց 0, and a big bang singularity, characterised by the blow up of the scalar curvature, occurs at τ = 0. An important aspect of our stability proof is that we use a hyperbolic gauge reduction of the Einstein-scalar field equations. As a consequence, all of the estimates used in the stability proof can be localized and we employ this property to establish a corresponding localized stability result for the FLRW solutions.