Within the framework of the relativistic plane wave impulse approximation, we study the observable consequences of employing a complete Lorentz invariant representation of the NN scattering matrix in terms of 44 independent amplitudes, as opposed to the previously-employed, but ambiguous, five-term Lorentz invariant parametrization of the NN scattering matrix, for the prediction of complete sets of exclusive ( p, 2 p ) polarization transfer observables. Two kinematic conditions are considered, namely proton knockout from the 3s 1/2 state of 208 Pb at an incident energy of 202 MeV for coplanar scattering angles (28.0 • , −54.6 • ), as well as an incident energy of 392 MeV for the angle pair (32.5 • , −80.0 • ). The results indicate that certain spin observables are ideal for discriminating between the two representations.