The profile of the dental surgeon has been changing since colonial Brazil, with preventive and restorative techniques promoting oral health. The evolution of the dental surgeon's profile has changed a lot from the past to today, along with the basic ethnic codes that the dental surgeon must have. Regulations have been created to help shape this professional profile, in which surgeons are more humanized in their dental practices. The aim of this study is to review the literature on dental surgeons working in primary health care in Brazil and thus stimulate reflection on their importance in contemporary professional training. The profile of the dental surgeon has a major impact on society, as it does on various health professions. The dentist must have a humanist character, be endowed with empathy, nurture respect for others and enjoy the uniqueness of caring for the well-being of others. To excel in this area, it is highly recommended to have an enviable ability to concentrate, admirable patience and to be meticulous down to the last detail. These qualities are real assets in the career of a successful dental surgeon.