The mineral chemistry of enargite surfaces and near-surfaces prepared by fracture within an ultrahigh vacuum are investigated using XPS and synchrotron radiation XPS (SRXPS). The purpose of the study is to identify surface core-level line positions in high-resolution photoelectron spectra. The XPS spectra obtained using monochromatic Al Ka radiation show that there are near-identical monosulphide line positions in S 2p spectra for the As-S and Cu-S bonds in enargite. The SRXPS spectra for sulphur are remarkably similar to the XPS spectra for sulphur, showing that there is minimal difference in the chemical environment between sulphur atoms at the surface and in the mineral matrix. The Cu 2p XPS data have only cuprous contributions and a minor surface contribution. The surface Cu contribution is observed as a high-binding-energy tail in the Cu 2p 3/2 spectrum. The As 3d data for both XPS and SRXPS show contributions from arsenic atoms at the surface and in the bulk mineral matrix. The surface contribution is distinct and is found 1 eV below the bulk contribution. The results of the study suggest that, following fracture, the enargite surface is reorganized in such a manner that the surface is characterized by protrusions of individual arsenic atoms.