Proflavine dichloride dihydrate (3,6-diaminoacridine dihydrochloride dihydrate), Ca3NsHll. 2HC1.2H20, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2Ja, a=17.960 (2), b=7-156 (1), c=12-615 (1)A,, ,fly 109.47 ° (1), V= 1528-6 (3) ~3, F.W. 318.21, Z=4, Dx= 1-38, Dot, s = 1.37 gcm -3, J.(Cu Kc0= 1.541 8A, /x(Cu Ke)=37-4 cm -1. A structural determination by X-ray diffraction resulted in a final residual R=0.074 for 1170 observed reflections. The hydrogen atoms were located from a difference map and were refined isotropically. The proflavine cations are stacked with considerable molecular overlap between nearest neighbor molecules. In the cation studied here, the protons are on the nitrogen atom of the central ring and on one amino group. The ring nitrogen atom is hydrogen bonded to a chloride ion.