We propose general separation procedures for generating cuts for the stable set polytope, inspired by a procedure by Rossi and Smriglio and applying a lifting method by Xavier and Campêlo. In contrast to existing cut-generating procedures, ours generate both rank and non-rank valid inequalities, hence they are of a more general nature than existing methods. This is accomplished by iteratively solving a lifting problem, which consists of a maximum weighted stable set problem on a smaller graph. Computational experience on DIMACS benchmark instances shows that the proposed approach may be a useful tool for generating cuts for the stable set polytope. 1 This work has been partially supported by the Stic/AmSud joint program by CAPES (Brazil), CNRS and MAE (France), CONICYT (Chile) and MINCYT (Argentina) -project 13STIC-05-and the Pronem program by FUNCAP/CNPq (Brazil) -project ParGO.