-Effects of neurokinin A (NKA) on sympathetic neurotransmission were studied in rat vas deferens. Although neither prazosin, an a 1-adrenoceptor blocker, nor a,,8-methylene adenosine triphosphate, a P2-purinoceptor blocker, inhibited the NKA-induced contractions in the epididymal site, high concentration of NKA-induced contractions in the prostatic site were slightly decreased by either of the two blockers. Treatment with guanethidine, which prevents the release of sympathetic transmitters from presynaptic nerve endings, also had no effect on NKA-induced contractions in either site. To investigate the effects of NKA on the adrenergic and purinergic neurotransmission in more detail, we measured transmitter release by using [3H]norepinephrine or [14C]adenosine. Neither spontaneous or nor evoked 3H efflux, indicating NE release, was affected by NKA in either site. NKA enhanced 14C efflux, indicating ATP release, evoked by electrical stimulation in the epididymal site, which may be originated from smooth muscle. In the prostatic site, contractions induced by electrical stimulation were enhanced in spite of no increase in 3H or 14C efflux. These results suggest that: 1) NKA has no effect on presynaptic nerve terminals in both sites, 2) NKA potentiates the effects of neurotransmitters in the prostatic site, and 3) NKA modulates the neurotransmission.Neurokinin A (NKA), which is structurally related to substance P, exerts a great variety of effects on various tissues (1-3). Rat vas deferens is a good model for investigating sympathetic neurotransmission, and its adren ergic and purinergic properties have been ex tensively characterized.It is well-known that the smooth muscle of the rat vas deferens receives a dense plexus of adrenergic fibers, and stimulation of the hypo gastric nerve mainly results in an overflow of endogenous NE from the tissue. Much evi dence has also shown that ATP is released by nerve stimulation (4 8) and induces contrac tion (9-11) in several sympathetically inner vated tissues, including rat vas deferens. The presence of NK2 receptors both in the auto nomic nerves and in the smooth muscle of rat vas deferens has been reported, and potentia tion of electrical stimulation-evoked twitches by NKA in the prostatic site was regarded as a result of facilitating release of transmitters (12). However, under this condition, both pre synaptic and postsynaptic effects can equally contribute to the potentiation. In the previous report (13), we have characterized NKA-in duced contractions of rat vas deferens and dem onstrated that there are region-dependent