Cerebral infarction has become the main cause of death among Chinese residents, especially ischemic cerebral infarction. The existing CT technology is not very effective for the detection of cerebral infarction, and some angiography has problems such as blurring and shadowing. In order to understand the treatment methods and effects of patients with cerebral infarction, this article observes the effect of nursing BPR on thrombolytic efficacy and prognosis of patients with cerebral infarction based on CT images. The patients were divided into thrombolytic group and nonthrombolytic group, and a simple rating scale was used to assess the motor function of the patients' limbs, and the stroke scale was used to assess the patient’s neurological function. Compare the baseline data, the time of admission, 24 hours and 7 days, the scores before and after treatment, and the ratio between the two groups. According to the monitoring, record each time point. The analysis of the occurrence of primary endpoint was events and secondary endpoint events and risk factors affecting limb motor function. The results of the study found that, based on the computer scanning observation of nursing BPR, compared with the traditional model, the patient's bleeding was significantly reduced, and the time required for nursing was also reduced by more than 50% compared with the traditional model. Compared with the traditional nursing model, the satisfaction of patients with the BPR nursing model is nearly 40% higher than that of the traditional nursing model. This shows that the observation of thrombolytic effect in patients with cerebral infarction based on computed tomography and BPR nursing can produce good therapeutic effects.