The design style produces products that are tailored to the needs of society in each era. These products are born from the design process of a product designer. The ability to design products is needed for product students during the lecture period. Unfortunately UEU FDIK product design students experience difficulties in deciding the design process, especially when using design style characteristics, at the final level. For that the question arises how to decide the right design style in the process? The purpose and benefits of this research are to add insight in the field of product design study program education in understanding the development of product design characteristics from time to time as part of the design process. Therefore, the method to be used is the exploration of products contained in design styles so that one can understand the visual characteristics of one design style to another. With the results of this study a visual product mapping pattern was found, both in terms of principles and elements and visual characteristics, which are certainly expected to be used as a reference for experience for product design students. In conclusion, by mapping the visual characteristics of design styles through the product exploration method, product design study program students can use this pattern as a design basis which can later be used not only during lectures as well, but can also become a guide later when they take part in the professional world.