Because of the excellent fracture toughness and oxidation resistance, carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide (C/C-SiC or C/SiC) exhibits a sound potential in various application areas such as aerospace technology and high-performance braking systems. For the composite’s reliable design, production, examination, quality assurance and verification, however, the statistical distribution of mechanical properties is of crucial interest and has not been investigated in detail yet. In this work, the strength values of C/C-SiC composite, which was developed via Liquid Silicon Infiltration at the Institute of Structures and Design of German Aerospace Center (DLR), were measured under tensile, bending and compression load. The results were analyzed by normal and Weibull distribution statistics and verified by Kolmogorov–Smirnov-test (KS-test) and Anderson–Darling-test (AD-test). Based on the statistical analysis, the 4PB-strength of C/C-SiC composite can be better described by Weibull distribution. In comparison, normal distribution is more suitable for the compression strength. The influence of different numbers of coupons on the mechanical properties has been identified. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was employed to analyze the fracture surface, which confirmed that the different statistical distribution of strength values was caused by various failure mechanisms.