UDC 621.85.01 D. V. Brovko, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., orcid.org/0000-0001-9108-3857, V. V. Khvorost, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., orcid.org/0000-0002-9205-7797, V. Yu. Tyshchenko, orcid.org/0000-0002-6147-9911
QuAlimeTriC ASSeSSmenT in CAlCulATion of The SurViVABiliTY leVel of The mine SurfACe oBjeCTSPurpose. Development of a qualimetric assessment as one of the methods for determining the technical condition of the structural elements of surface mining objects, which allows for minimum correction in reliability levels and ensures the highest safety standards of the mine facilities.methodology. The methods of expert qualimetry and probabilistic-statistical qualimetry are applied in the study. The former case represents the estimates which are given by experts or automated expert systems, while the latter case uses the methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics for assessing the homogeneity of the identification of the respective values and the coincidence of the distribution laws.findings. The law on condition of the operated facility as a dependency of the building supporting structures on its survivability has been modeled. The threshold values of survivability have been determined, at which the mine surface object passes into a qualitatively different state -from normal to satisfactory, from satisfactory to unusable, and from unusable to emergency.originality. The scientific novelty of the method proposed is an adequate description of the technical condition of the facility structural elements, which takes its place among the new modern experimental studies on materials and structures of the surface objects.Practical value. The qualimetric assessment method allows determining the object survivability at some point, the technical condition and the safe residual resource. The above-mentioned activities have resulted in significant improvements in reliability of the operated facilities, hence, preservation of both tangible assets and lives of an enterprise's employees.