This study focused on the data center overload and resource allocation imbalance problem during the task processing of System Wide Information Management (SWIM). The Information-Centric Networking (ICN) technology was adopted in the infrastructure level of SWIM. In order to guarantee the cache performance of ICN in SWIM, and reduce the impact of cache node failure on the network cache performance, a double-layer network structure cache robustness strategy (CRS) based on content popularity and node importance was proposed. Some of the most popular content on the selected special backup node and general node was cached to ensure that a cache node failure would not significantly affect network cache performance. The results of the experimental simulation performed on the ndnSIM platform showed that this strategy is more robustness and has a better cache-hit ratio than other cache methods, which can ensure the network cache performance of the SWIM.
INDEX TERMSSystem wide information management, information-centric networking, cache, robustness.