The oral rehabilitation of adolescent patients with amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is complex due to the presence of mixed dentition with altered eruption sequence. In this article, the interdisciplinary treatment approach for adolescent patients with AI is discussed. The types and timing of treatments at various stages of growth are described through a literature review on this topic. AI is an inherited condition that disturbs the development of the enamel structure. Because of the presence of mixed dentition, definitive treatment options often have to be delayed until eruption of permanent dentition is complete, requiring careful treatment coordination and proper sequencing between different dental disciplines starting at a young age. Adolescent patients require prosthodontic treatment design that can be adapted to the changes in arch shapes, sizes, interarch relationship, and esthetic needs. AI patients are often challenged with both excessive and limited restorative spaces within the same arch due to the abnormal growth patterns, enamel structure, tooth size, and tooth shape. Therefore, careful determination of the required restorative space is critical to ensure optimal prognosis. This clinical report discusses treatment recommendations, timing of various treatment modalities, and involvement of appropriate interdisciplinary teams for managing adolescent patients.