Work objective: development of devices for high-precision machining of machine parts.
The problem to which the paper is devoted is to analyze the accuracy of devices with location vees.
Research methods: modelling of the contact of the workpiece contact with the location vee by means of the theory of dimensional connections, analysis of some model parameter influence using sensitivity analysis, regression analysis of the results of modeling the workpiece fixing in the location vees.
The novelty of the work: the influence of form tolerances and the relative location of the base surfaces are established when calculating the accuracy of fixing workpieces in location vees; the features of forming basing error in the worst case (by maximum-minimum method) and taking into account the probability of size distribution within the tolerances (by the probabilistic method) are revealed.
The results of the study: a model is developed for installing the workpiece into a vee, taking into account misalignment and deviations from roundness, dependencies are obtained for estimating the error of basing the workpiece in the location vees, taking into account these macro-displacements.
Conclusions: the error of basing the workpiece in the vee is influenced by the tolerances of the form and location of the base surfaces; taking into account the errors of the form and location of the workpiece base surfaces make it possible to form the error of the base in the horizontal plane.