This paper mainly focuses on the maneuver of the
satellite in orbit. A non-linear multi-inputs multi-outputs model
has been derived from Newton-Euler equations of motion. The
dynamics is presented with control methodologies allowing the
Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to iteratively provide improved
data sets with zero errors. As the system is distracted from the
atmospheric swings which are random hence the problem of
stochastic disturbance is furnished. A set of differential equations
of two dimensional Ito stochastic type is used for modeling the
said disturbances (before t = 4s is recorded). The attitude
parameters are recorded in RT-LAB setup with the Extended
Kalman Filter (EKF) providing adequately superior estimation
outcome which thereby makes the filter more appealing. With the
presence of Gaussian noise in both dimension and system,
Extended Kalman Filter gives the correct estimates. It’s
collaboration with hardware setup RT-LAB is commendable.
Hence, an Extended Kalman Filter which deals with such nonlinear models proves to be a higher choice for achieving best
online results. A comparison reflecting the tracking and stable
control of the satellite for the designed advanced adaptive robust
controller (AARC) for two situations is plotted. The priority of
making the system stable in the presence of stochastic
disturbance is also visited. Also, the use of three different values
of the confounding variables revealed that the control weighting
line is completely diminished thereby boosting the tracking when
the satellite is in orbit. Moreover, the previous research involves
methods to improve satellite communication on ground station,
this paper deals with exact positioning of concerned satellite
attitude parameters and its validation tested experimentally on
OPAL-RT hardware. To sum up, the development of advanced
adaptive robust controllers have encouraged the stability and
accuracy of systems considering the varying atmospheric
conditions. The simulation results predict perfect tracking of
output with respect to the desired set-point in the presence of
stochastic disturbance for the proposed controller.