Business competition forces entrepreneurs to have superior strategies to competein order to survive in the competition. The products produced are also an important partthat needs to be considered by MSME owners in the Bangkalan area. The researchmethod used is quantitative with multiple linear regression analysis. Sampling usingpurposive sampling technique with a total sample of 96. This study aims to determinethe steps of Bangkalan MSME owners in improving business performance in facing thisincreasingly fierce business competition through halal literacy variables, entrepreneurialorientation, adaptability, and business performance. The results in the study obtainedusing the t test showed that only halal literacy did not significantly affect businessperformance while for other variables it had a significant effect. In the F test the resultsobtained show that all research variables simultaneously have a significant effect onbusiness performance. The partial r square test explains that halal literacy,entrepreneurial orientation and adaptability have a significant effect on businessperformance. While in the R square test simultaneously obtained results that 58% canbe explained by halal literacy, entrepreneurial orientation, and adaptability, while theremaining 41.2% can be explained by other variables not examined by researchers.Keywords : Halal Literacy, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Adaptability, BusinessPerformance