This study examines the development and implementation of halal tourism policies in Indonesia, which have not fully matured due to a lack of comprehensive promotion and regulation. Therefore, it is considered important to research the development of halal tourism policies. This paper addresses a key research question: What is the progress of halal tourism policies in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation stages? The study aims to explore the development of halal tourism policies, focusing on their formulation, implementation, and evaluation stages. Following the Fatwa Number 108/DSN–MUI/X/2016 from the National Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI), which provides guidelines for organizing tourism based on Sharia principles. This qualitative descriptive study uses secondary data collected through library research. Policy analysis techniques were applied to assess the formulation, implementation, and evaluation stages of halal tourism policies. The findings indicate that halal tourism regulations at both provincial and regency/city levels have not developed optimally, primarily due to the lack of comprehensive regional regulations. The study suggests that the government needs to reformulate policies to better support the development of halal tourism.