This study aims to evaluate of the planning, implementation, and outcome of student character education during the pandemic Bekasi Regency. The evaluation model was used by Countenance Stake, there are: Introduction, process, and output. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions were used to analyze the data. The technique of checking and validating the data used is source triangulation. The planning carried out by the teacher in the implementation of character education, namely learning is carried out in Quarter 1 within a period of 3 months. In the formation of this character, the teacher teaches about 5 characters including greetings, polite speaking, eating and drinking etiquette, responsibility and toilet training. The process of implementing character education is carried out by applying character values through distance learning programs. Here, it is the home environment and parents who take on the role of accompanying children during the learning process after the children finish learning, parents report the activities that have been carried out by the child by documenting in the form of photos, videos, notes or audio recordings then sent via the googleform application and whatsapp to the teacher. While the results of the implementation of character education are carried out through assessment techniques such as notes of children's work in the form of photos and performance in the form of videos sent by parents to teachers. From this assessment, there was a change in the attitude of the children in a positive direction after carrying out character education activities.