17 65 processes. For the first time, we also establish Rem2 -a small GTPase previously implicated in 66 dendritic complexity in vitro and in Xenopus Laevis optic tectum [51, 53-55] -as an experience-67 dependent negative regulator of dendritic complexity in mammalian visual cortex. This work 68 demonstrates that Rem2 cell-autonomously regulates the arrangement of the basal dendrites: 69 neurons in which Rem2 has been deleted are less likely to exhibit a significant directionality and 70 sometimes exhibit abnormal directionality. Taken together, our results establish a unified 71 framework for investigating dendritic development in the mammalian cortex and expand our 72 understanding of how dendritic arbors are established and maintained in an experience-rich 73 environment. 74 75 Methods 76 Golgi-Cox Labeling and Tissue Preparation 77 Typically-reared WT and Rem2 -/littermate mice were housed in a 12hr light/12hr dark 78 cycle from birth until the specified age (P7, P12, P16, P21, P30). Dark-reared mice were placed 79 in a light-tight box beginning at P9 until termination of the experiment (P16, P21, or P30). At 80 the specified age, mice were anesthetized with ketamine/xylazine cocktail (ketamine 81 100mg/kg, xylazine 10mg/kg) and transcardially perfused with 0.9% saline in ddH20. Dark-82 reared mice were anesthetized in the dark and then shielded from light until after perfusion 83 using a mask constructed of several layers of light blocking tape (Thor Labs) to cover the eyes. 84 Immediately following perfusion, brains were weighed and submerged in Golgi-Cox solution (FD 85 NeuroTechnologies). Throughout all steps involving Golgi-Cox, brains were protected from light. 86 Golgi-Cox solution was changed 24 hours after initial immersion and brains continued to be 87 stored in Golgi-Cox solution for 7 days. After 7 days, brains were transferred to Solution C (FD 88 NeuroTechnologies) for at least 2 days. Coronal sections were cut at 150 µm using a cryostat 89 and immediately mounted on slides coated with 2% porcine gelatin. Histology was carried out 90 according to the protocol supplied by FD NeuroTechnologies RapidGolgi Stain Kit. Briefly, slides 91 were washed with ddH2O, developed using FD Neurotechnologies Solutions D & E, rinsed in 92 ddH2O, dehydrated with a graded series of ethanols, and cleared using xylenes. Slides were 93 then coverslipped using Permount (Fisher Scientific).94 95 TdTomato Reporter Tissue Preparation 96 Typically reared Rem2 +/+ ;TdT flex/flex and Rem2 flx/flx ;TdT flex/flex mice were housed in 12hr 97 light/ 12hr dark cycle from birth until the specified ages and days post injection (dpi) (5dpi/P25, 98 7dpi/P27, 10dpi/P30). Mice (both Rem2 +/+ ; TdT flex/flex and Rem2 flx/flx ; TdT flex/flex ) were injected 99 with AAV.GFP-Cre at P20 (see detailed method below) to activate reporter expression and, in 100 Rem2 flx/flx ; TdT flex/flex mice, manipulate Rem2 expression. At the specified age, mice were 101 anesthetized with ketamine/xylazine cocktail (ketamine 100mg/kg, xylazine 10mg/kg) and 1...