We show that the soft photon, gluon, and graviton theorems can be understood as the Ward-Takahashi identities of large gauge transformation, i.e., diffeomorphism that does not fall off at spatial infinity. We found infinitely many new identities which constrain the higher order soft behavior of the gauge bosons and gravitons in scattering amplitudes of gauge and gravity theories. Diagrammatic representations of these soft theorems are presented. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.201601 Introduction.-The last few decades have witnessed a remarkable synergy between particle physics and cosmology. While the objects of interest are vastly different, the tools to study them often share a great deal of similarity. A recent example of this synergy is the notion of "cosmological collider physics" [1]. Just as we extract particles' interactions from scattering in colliders, we can extract the interactions governing the early Universe from the correlations of primordial fluctuations that seed cosmic structure formation. Thus, N-point corrections (N ≥ 3) of the curvature perturbation (also known as non-Gaussianities) play a similar role as scattering amplitudes in particle physics.Another commonality between particle physics and cosmology is that they are both populated with a myriad of theories, and the challenge is to zero in on the right ones. In this regard, results based on symmetries are especially powerful as they allow us to test and discriminate broad classes of theories in a model-independent manner. Soft theorems which govern the behavior of scattering amplitudes or correlation functions when one or more of the momenta approach zero are a prominent example. The subject of soft theorems has a long history in particle physics, dating back to the early studies of the soft pion theorem. The equivalence between the soft photon theorem [2,3] and large gauge transformation has already been noted long ago by Ferrari and Picasso [4] (see, also, [5]), where the leading and subleading soft theorems were shown to follow from the Ward-Takahashi (WT) identity of linear transformation which survives after Lorenz gauge fixing.