We consider flux compactification of type II string theory with local sources on SU(3)‐structure manifolds. By adding pseudo‐calibrated anti‐Dp‐branes wrapped on supersymmetric cycles we generalize all existing models so that the effective d=4, N=1 supergravity now includes a nilpotent multiplet. We present a new dictionary between string theory models and Kähler potential K and superpotential W for these dS supergravities with a nilpotent multiplet and non‐linearly realized local supersymmetry. In addition to KKLT and LVS with uplifting D3¯‐branes, we have now new models with uplifting D5¯, D6¯, D7¯, D9¯‐branes. The new uplifting contribution to the supergravity potential due to Volkov‐Akulov supersymmetry is universal. As one application of our general result, we study classical flux compactifications of type IIA supergravity and find that a previously discovered universal tachyon is now absent.