We study the liberation process for projections: (p, q) → (p t , q) = (u t pu * t , q) where u t is a free unitary Brownian motion freely independent from {p, q}. Its action on the operator-valued angle qp t q between the projections induces a flow on the corresponding spectral measures µ t ; we prove that the Cauchy transform of the measure satisfies a holomorphic PDE. We develop a theory of subordination for the boundary values of this PDE, and use it to show that the spectral measure µ t possesses a piecewise analytic density for any t > 0 and any initial projections of trace 1 2 . We us this to prove the Unification Conjecture for free entropy and information in this trace 1 2 setting.Let V and W be subspaces of a the finite-finite dimensional complex space C d . From elementary linear algebra, it follows that dim V ∩ W ≥ max{dim V + dim W − d, 0}. In fact, this inequality is almost surely equality:The almost surely can be interpreted in a number of ways: for example, it can be taken with respect to any reasonable probability measure on the (product) Grassmannian manifold of subspaces. We will discuss a more probabilistic interpretation shortly. When two subspaces satisfy the equality of Equation 1.1, they are said to be in general position. For convenience, we may rewrite this relation as follows. Let P, Q be the orthogonal projections onto V and W respectively, and let P ∧Q denote the orthogonal projection onto V ∩W . The dimension of a subspace is the trace of the projection onto it, so the subspaces are in general position if and only if Tr (P ∧ Q) = max{Tr P + Tr Q − d, 0}. Normalizing, letting tr = 1 d Tr , two projections (i.e. subspaces) are in general position if and only ifIn this language, a good way to express the genericity of general position is as follows: let P, Q be as above, and let U be a random unitary matrix. IfP = U P U * (i.e. the projection onto the rotation of the image of P by U ), thenP and Q are in general position almost surely. This statement is valid for all reasonable notions of random unitary matrix; for example, it holds true if U is sampled from some measure that has a continuous, strictly positive density with respect to the Haar measure. (Indeed, the subset of the Grassmannian product where general position fails to hold is a subvariety of lower dimension, and so it is easy to see that any reasonable measure will assign it probability 0.) Since any neighborhood of the identity has positive measure, it follows that rotations arbitrarily close to the identity produce projections in general position, agreeing with our intuition. Note: the same result applies as well even if P, Q are random projections, provided that the random unitary U is independent from {P, Q}.An important flow of random unitaries is given by the unitary Brownian motion. The group U d of unitary d×d matrices is a compact Lie group, and so its left-invariant Riemannian metric (given by the Hilbert-Schmidt norm on the Lie algebra u d ) gives rise to a heat kernel, which generates a Markov process: Brownian m...