From the worldsheet perspective, the superpotential on a D-brane wrapping internal cycles of a Calabi-Yau manifold is given as a generating functional for disk correlation functions. On the other hand, from the geometric point of view, D-brane superpotentials are captured by certain chain integrals. In this work, we explicitly show for branes wrapping internal 2-cycles how these two different approaches are related. More specifically, from the worldsheet point of view, D-branes at the Landau-Ginzburg point have a convenient description in terms of matrix factorizations. We use a formula derived by Kapustin and Li to explicitly evaluate disk correlators for families of D2-branes. On the geometry side, we then construct a three-chain whose period gives rise to the effective superpotential and show that the two expressions coincide. Finally, as an explicit example, we choose a particular compact Calabi-Yau hypersurface and compute the effective D2-brane superpotential in different branches of the open moduli space, in both geometric and worldsheet approaches. dx 2 dx 4 dx 5 .(3.23)Since J 0 and J 2 are independent of β, we can repeat the steps above and bring the correlator into the form of (3.21).In the next section, we will show that (3.21) coincides with the simplified expression for the chain integral that gives rise to the effective D-brane superpotential. In this manner, we establish an explicit map between the bulk-boundary correlation function computed by the matrix factorization technique and the superpotential chain integral in the geometric picture.
Superpotentials from Chain IntegralsAs explained in section 2, D2-branes wrap holomorphic two-cycles of the internal Calabi-Yau space.These holomorphic cycles only exist at specific points in the closed-string moduli space, and hence