Pesticides play a critical role in terms of agricultural output nowadays. On top of that, pesticides provide economic support to our farmers. However, the usage of pesticides has created a public health issue and environmental hazard. Chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate pesticide, is extensively applied as an insecticide, acaricide, and termiticide against pests in a variety of applications. Environmental pollution has occurred because of the widespread usage of chlorpyrifos, and it is harming several ecosystems including soil, sediment, water, air, and biogeochemical cycles. While residual levels in soil, water, vegetables, foodstuffs, and human uids have been discovered, chlorpyrifos has also been found in the sediment, soil, and water.The irrefutable pieces of evidence indicate that chlorpyrifos exposure inhibits the choline esterase enzyme, which impairs the ability of the body to use choline and as a result, neurological, immunological, and psychological consequences are seen in people and the natural environment. Several research studies have been conducted worldwide to identify and develop chlorpyrifos remediation approaches and its derivatives from the environment. Currently, many detoxi cation methods are available for pesticides such as chlorpyrifos, but recent research has shown that the breakdown of chlorpyrifos using bacteria is the most pro cient, cost-effective, and sustainable. This current article aims to outline relevant research events and provide a summary of the possible breakdown of chlorpyrifos into a variety of compounds, along with a discussion of analytical summaries of current research ndings on bacterial degradation of chlorpyrifos and the potential degradation mechanism. year, 2 million tonnes of pesticides are used worldwide to prevent loss to crops. Yet, only around 0.1% of these compounds operate on targeted species, and 90-99% of them stay in the atmosphere due to their refractory and persistent character. Ultimately, they seep into the soil and water bodies, contaminating the clean environment (Raj and Kumar, 2022;Skendžić et al., 2021).CPY also showed detrimental in uences on biota and the ecosystem. Studies have linked chlorpyrifos exposure to declines in bird populations, as well as reproductive and developmental problems in sh, frogs, and other aquatic species. Chlorpyrifos can persist in the ecosystem for weeks or months and can be transported extended distances by air and water (Nandi et al., 2022). Despite these concerns, chlorpyrifos has remained in use in many countries, including the United States, where it has been the subject of ongoing controversy and debate. In 2015, the US Environmental Protection Agency proposed to invalidate all food tolerances for chlorpyrifos, e ciently prohibiting its use in agriculture. However, this proposal was overturned in 2017 by the new administration, citing a lack of scienti c evidence (Hicks, 2020;Trasande, 2017).The controversy surrounding chlorpyrifos has highlighted the challenges of regulating and managing hazardous chemicals in mod...