In this paper, we consider a problem of sampling a Wiener process, with samples forwarded to a remote estimator over a channel that is modeled as a queue. The estimator reconstructs an estimate of the real-time signal value from causally received samples. We study the optimal online sampling strategy that minimizes the mean square estimation error subject to a sampling rate constraint. We prove that the optimal sampling strategy is a threshold policy, and find the optimal threshold. This threshold is determined by how much the Wiener process varies during the random service time and the maximum allowed sampling rate. Further, if the sampling times are independent of the observed Wiener process, the optimal sampling problem reduces to an age of information optimization problem that has been recently solved. This reveals an interesting connection between age of information and remote estimation. Our comparisons show that the estimation error of the optimal sampling policy can be much smaller than those of age-optimal sampling, zero-wait sampling, and classic periodic sampling.