“…Data downloaded from http://geology.utah.gov/ and then adjusted using ArcGIS. Index map shows location of surficial rock and soil alterations above petroleum reservoirs in the USA (sources: Love, 1957;Eargle and Weeks, 1973;Donovan, 1974;Olmstead, 1975;Goldhaber et al, 1978;Donovan et al, 1979Donovan et al, , 1981Ferguson, 1979aFerguson, , 1979bDalziel and Donovan, 1980;Abrams et al, 1983;Allen and Thomas, 1984;Duchscherer, 1984;Lilburn and Al-Shaieb, 1984;Oehler and Sternberg, 1984;Segal et al, 1984Segal et al, , 1986Reynolds et al, 1984Reynolds et al, , 1988Reynolds et al, , 1990Conel and Alley, 1985;Lang and Nadeau, 1985;Roeming and Donovan, 1985;Richers et al, 1986;McCoy and Wullstein, 1988;McCoy et al, 1989;Klusman et al, 1992;Reid et al, 1992;Al-Shaieb et al, 1994;Bammel et al, 1994;Campbell, 1994;Schumacher, 1996; Van der Meer et al, 2002;Petrovic, 2006;Petrovic et al, 2008;Khan and Jacobson, 2008). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)…”