Marine stratocumulus cloud (Sc) decks with high cloud fraction typically breakup when sufficient drizzle forms. Cloud breakup leads to a lower cloud radiative effect due to the lower cloud amount. Here we use realistic Lagrangian large eddy simulations along a 3-day trajectory, evaluated with satellite observations, to investigate the timing of Sc breakup in response to aerosol conditions. We show that the timing of the breakup is strongly modulated by the diurnal cycle and large-scale meteorology but varies systematically with the initial aerosol concentration: the more polluted the clouds, the later the breakup. This indicates that the cloud radiative effect via cloud cover adjustments is not saturated, in contrast to the effect of aerosol on cloud albedo at fixed cloudiness, which weakens with increasing aerosol levels. The results also show that the cloud radiative impact of anthropogenic aerosol is strongest far from its origin over land.Plain Language Summary Marine stratocumulus clouds (Sc) cover large areas of the subtropical oceans. They frequently form as fully overcast cloud decks near the western coasts of continents, and break up as they move westwards, driven by the prevailing winds, towards the remote ocean. Their breakup is accompanied by a reduction in cloud cover, which in turn reduces the amount of solar radiation that is reflected by the cloud deck. Aerosol particles, as well as meteorological factors, determine the time it takes for a fully overcast cloud deck to break up. Here we use high-resolution simulations of Sc combined with satellite observations to investigate the roles of aerosol and meteorology in Sc break-up time and location. We demonstrate that an observed Sc deck off the coast of Western Europe would have broken up sooner had it not been influenced by anthropogenic aerosol from Europe. Aerosol was the main factor determining the break-up time of the cloud deck, with a sometimes significant contribution by largescale meteorology. Our results show that even at present-day pollution levels, aerosol perturbations can extend the lifetime of the Sc deck in its overcast state, and exert a significant cooling effect.Sc covers extensive regions over the eastern parts of the major subtropical oceans (Klein & Hartmann, 1993;Muhlbauer et al., 2014). These regions are characterized by decks of closed cells that form near the coast and breakup into open cells and trade wind cumulus as they move westward towards the remote oceans