Measure synchronization is a well-known phenomenon in coupled classical Hamiltonian systems over last two decades. In this paper, synchronization for coupled Harper system is investigated in both classical and quantum contexts. The concept of measure synchronization involves with the phase space and it seems that the measure synchronization is restricted in classical limit. But, on the contrary, here, we have extended the aforesaid synchronization in quantum domain. In quantum context, the coupling occurs between two many body systems via a time and site dependent potential. The coupling leads to the generation of entanglement between the quantum systems. We have used a technique, which is already accepted in the classical domain, in both the contexts to establish a connection between classical and quantum scenarios. Interestingly, results corresponding to both the cases lead to some common features. (Saikat Sur), (Anupam Ghosh) not observed. Also, since the Hamiltonian systems follow the Liouville's theorem, there is no existence of attractor here unlike the dissipative systems. Therefore, one would get a different type of synchronization: 'measure synchronization' (MS), in coupled Hamiltonian systems, reported in 1999 (Hampton andZanette, 1999).