The monograph summarizes the literature data and the authors' results on the chemistry and technology of some mineral acid’s solvent extraction (hydrofluoric, hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric, phosphoric, boric and arsenic acids) with high-molecular aliphatic alcohols and extraction mixtures based on. The first chapter provides general information about the physicochemical and toxicological alcohol properties, their production and consumption, and concludes they were promising industrial extractants. The second part of the book systematizes the data on the chemistry of extraction with alcohols of each of the acids listed and reviews the proposed promising and commercially developed extraction technologies using extractants based on high-molecular-weight alcohols; the results of large-scale and semi-industrial tests are presented. Il. –– 78, tab. –– 57, bibliogr. –– 251. The publication is intended for engineering and technical workers of industrial enterprises, scientific organizations and students and graduate students of chemical and environmental specialities.