Since 9/11, there have been concerns that terrorists may detonate a radiological or nuclear device in an American city. Aside from several decorporation and blocking agents for use against internal radionuclide contamination, there are currently no medications within the Strategic National Stockpile that are approved to treat the immediate or delayed complications resulting from accidental exposure to radiation. Although the majority of research attention has focused on developing countermeasures that target the bone marrow and gastrointestinal tract, since they represent the most acutely radiosensitive organs, individuals who survive early radiation syndromes will likely suffer late effects in the months that follow. Of particular concern are the delayed effects seen in the lung that play a major role in late mortality seen in radiation-exposed patients and accident victims. To address these concerns, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases convened a workshop to discuss pulmonary model development, mechanisms of radiation-induced lung injury, targets for medical countermeasures development, and end points to evaluate treatment efficacy. Other topics covered included guidance on the challenges of developing and licensing drugs and treatments specific to a radiation lung damage indication. This report reviews the data presented, as well as key points from the ensuing discussion.