The design of massive dump slopes for opencast mines usually requires information about the soil resistance to liquefaction during earthquakes. This resistance depends not only on the initial stress, the initial density, and the amplitude of the cyclic loading, but also on the preshearing, that is, the deviatoric stress path applied to the soil before the cycling loading. To explore the influence of preshearing on the subsequent soil behaviour, a set of triaxial tests with a combination of undrained preshearing and drained stress cycles using two sample preparation methods is presented. It is shown that the preshearing as well as the preparation method have a mayor influence on the strain accumulation upon cyclic loading. Simulations of the experiments with four advanced constitutive models reveal that neither the long-lasting effect of preshearing nor the preparation method can adequately be captured by all of the models. This deficiency of the constitutive models can lead to unsafe designs due to the overestimation of the cyclic resistance to liquefaction and to the underestimation of long term settlements.