Arsenic (As) is a metalloid. It occurs in almost every fraction of the environment. It is moving in each and every corner of our environment. Levels of arsenic (As) in the environment have become a global concern due to its toxicity and adverse effects on human health and other living beings. It is highly toxic even at low concentrations. It is also carcinogenic. Although, its natural sources are igneous and sedimentary rocks, the anthropogenic source of arsenic (As) plays an important role to maintain its concentration in our environment. The mining, smelting and refining, industrial processes, coal combustion, and waste incineration are released arsenic (As) in the environment. It may undergo cycling processes in the environment after release in the environment. This cycling process occurs depending upon few factors such as its oxidation state, speciation, concentrations and the presence of organic matter, competing ions, and other environmental factors (e.g., pH, redox). This paper reviews the natural and anthropogenic occurrence of arsenic in the environment, toxicity of arsenic and newly invented scientific low coast household and the other chemical processes to remove arsenic (As) and its compounds from arseniccontaminated water and soils in the world as well as in Tripura.