The sections in this article are:
Diuretic Effects on Renal Hemodynamics
Drugs That Primarily Alter Glomerular Function
Drugs That Primarily Alter Tubular Function
Diuretic Effects on Intrarenal Blood Flow Distribution
Diuretic Interactions with the Renin–Angiotensin‐Aldosterone system
Diuretic Interactions with Prostaglandin Synthesis and with the Inhibition of Prostaglandin Synthetase
Nephron Sites of Action and Effects of Diuretics on Solute Excretion
Review and Comparison of Methodologies
Utility of the Clearance Technique for the Study of Diuretic Site and Mechanism of Action in Man
Diuretic Effects on the Excretion of Specific Solutes
Cellular and Molecular Actions of Diuretics
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
Loop Diuretics
Mineralcorticoid Antagonists