ABSTRACT. Chronically catheterized fetal lambs (n = Abbreviations 11, gestational age 111-139 days) and neonatal lambs (n = 20, postnatal age 4-30 days) were studied to explore during development the relationship of renal hemodynamic responses during hypoxemia to plasma epinephrine concentration (E), plasma norepinephrine concentration (NE), plasma arginine vasopressin concentration (AVP), and plasma renin activity (PRA). A low oxygen gas mixture (11.1 f 0.1% 0 2 ) was administered for 30 min to the pregnant ewe or neonatal lamb to induce hypoxemia with maintenance of normal arterial pCOz and pH. Arterial blood pressure was recorded continuously and renal blood flow (RBF) was determined by the radiolabeled microsphere technique. Moderate hypoxemia (p02 16 It 2 torr and 33 f 6 torr in fetus and neonate, respectively) induced increases in E, NE (measured by radioenzymatic assay), and AVP (measured by radioimmunoassay) in both fetus and neonate. PRA (measured by radioimmunoassay) also increased in response to hypoxemia in neonatal lambs. The change in mean arterial pressure with hypoxemia (AMAP) was significant in fetuses (AMAP 8 f 14%, p < 0.05) but not in lambs (AMAP 1 It lo%, p > 0.5). Similarly, the change in renal blood flow with hypoxemia (ARBF) was significant (ARBF -51 f 24%, p < 0.001) in fetuses but not in neonatal lambs (ARBF -9 f 38%, p > 0.1). These results reflected a change in renal vascular resistance with hypoxemia (ARVR) that was significant in fetal lambs (ARVR 169 f 168%, p < 0.01) but not in neonatal lambs (ARVR 51 f 180%, p > 0.2). The relationships of these renal hemodynamic responses to the measured vasoactive substances, and the influence of their interactions to produce these responses, were assessed by response surface regression analysis. The response surface regression model of responses to hypoxemia of E (AE), NE (ANE), AVP (AAVP), and PRA (APRA) to AMAP and ARVR over the entire development period fit the data well (adjusted RZ 0.8427 and 0.8274, respectively). AE was the most predictive of the components for both AMAP and ARVR (F ratio 7.89 and 7.25, respectively). Contour plots of the interaction of AE with postconceptional age and ANE demonstrated considerable age dependence of the relationship of AE and ANE to AMAP and ARVR during development. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that asynchronous maturation of vascular Badrenergic (vasodilatory) and a-adrenergic (vasoconstrictor) effector mechanisms occurs throughout the fetallneonatal period. (Pediatr Res 23: 155-162,1988)