Renal hücreli karsinomun (RHK) cilt metastazı oldukça nadir olup %1-3.3 oranında görülmektedir. Biz burada tanıdan beş yıl sonra cilt metastazı gelişen bir RHK olgusu sunduk. Elli yedi yaşında erkek hastaya beş yıl önce RHK tanısı konularak sol nefrektomi yapılmıştı. Tanı anında metastazı olmayan hastada tanıdan bir yıl sonra metastaz gelişti. Hastaya palyatif amaçlı kemoterapi ve radyoterapi uygulandı. Hastanın takipleri esnasında yüzde, saçlı deride çok sayıda, yeni ortaya çı-kan, kırmızı morumsu tarzda nodüler cilt lezyonları saptandı. Nodüllerden yapılan biyopsi sonucu RHK cilt metastazı olarak değerlendirildi. Cilt metastazı geliştikten bir ay sonra hasta kaybedildi. Sonuç olarak, RHK'nın cilt metastazı oldukça nadirdir ve kötü prognoz göstergesidir.Anahtar sözcükler: Kutanöz metastaz; renal hücreli karsinom.Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) skin metastasis is quite rare, seen in the rate of 1-3.3%. We present here a RCC case that thrives skin metastasis after 5 years of diagnosis. A 57-year-old male patient was diagnosed as RCC 5 years ago and left nephrectomy was made. In the patient without metastasis at the diagnosis, metastasis developed 1 year after the diagnosis. The patient underwent palliative chemotherapy and radiotherapy. During follow-up of the patient, a large number of new emerging, purple red style nodular skin lesions were seen on the face and scalp. After the biopsy made from nodules, it was evaluated as skin metastasis of RCC. One month later that skin metastasis developed, the patient died. As a result, the skin metastasis of RCC is extremely rare, and indicator of poor prognosis.
163Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) constitutes approximately 3% of all malignancies in adults. [1] RCC constitutes about 90% of renal tumors and is one of the most lethal urogenital cancers. [2] In the average, 25% of RCCs are metastatic and the most common sites of metastasis are lung, lymph nodes, bone, liver, opposite kidney, adrenals and brain. [2] RCC, skin metastasis is quite rare, seen in the rate of 1-3.3%. [3] For anatomic localization and lymphohematogen spread, since it is far from kidney, RCC in the head and neck skin metastasis is quite rare. [4] We present here a RCC case that thrives skin metastasis after five years of diagnosis.
CASE REPORTFive years ago, 57-year-old male patient with complaints of left flank pain and hematuria as a result of investigations was taken a diagnosis of RCC. Left nephrectomy operation was undergone. There was no metastasis at diagnosis. In the patient that was followed untreated, lung metastasis developed after 1 year and brain and bone metastasis developed after 2 years from diagnosis. Palliative