1. When the renin-angiotensin system of rats had been suppressed by a high salt diet or by bilateral nephrectomy, large doses of angiotensin I1 antiserum were required to block the pressor action of exogenous angiotensin 11. Infusion of renin profoundly lowered the blocking requirement of such animals.2. It is postulated that renin bound to blood vessels generates angiotensin locally which is taken up by vascular receptors. Where such receptors are left unoccupied and free to bind exogenous angiotensin, high doses of blocking antisera are required.3. Animals with hypertension produced by renal artery constriction with contralateral nephrectomy were shown to be in positive sodium balance. Nevertheless their blocking requirement was low.4. It is suggested that the local generation of angiotensin may play a role in the production of renal hypertension and that this accounts for the development of hypertension even in animals immunized against angiotensin.Key words : angiotensin I1 antiserum, renin, sodium depletion and sodium loading, pressor response, clip-nephrectomy hypertension, bilateral nephrectomy.Most studies of the role of the renin-angiotensin system in hypertension depend upon circulating renin and angiotensin I1 levels, which do not necessarily represent the concentration of these substances at the vascular receptor site. Brunner, Chang, Wallach, Sealey & Laragh (1972) measured the amount of angiotensin I1 antibody required to block the blood pressure response to exogenous angiotensin I1 in the rat. Where the endogenous formation of renin and angiotensin I1 had been stimulated by a low salt diet, the pressor response to 50 ng doses of exogenous angiotensin I1 was blocked by very small doses of antiserum. Conversely, where the renin-angiotensin system had been suppressed by a high salt intake, large amounts of antiserum were required. To explain this anomaly, they suggest that vascular affinity for