METHODSOur experiments, some 34 in all, have been performed on female mongrel dogs lightly anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital. Arterial blood samples were drawn through an indwelling needle in the femoral artery. In certain experiments renal venous blood samples were drawn through a polyethylene catheter, introduced by way of the jugular vein and positioned in the right renal vein by manipulation through an abdominal incision. Urine samples were collected either through a Foley catheter, introduced into the bladder or through ureteral catheters, inserted by way of an abdominal incision.The creatinine clearance has been employed as a measure of glomerular filtration rate and the creatinine clearance, divided by the plasma extraction ratio and corrected for urine flow (2, 3), has been employed as a measure of renal plasma flow. Chemical methods have been described in previous communications from this (4) and other (5) laboratories.Chlormerodrin (3-chloromercuri-2-methoxy-propylurea, Neohydrin@) has been synthesized in our laboratory using radiomercury, Hg", according to directions supplied