“…In a review of 1,467 cases of primary extranodal lymphoma, Freeman et al [32] hypothesized that the usual precursor of extranodal lymphoma is a spe cific pathologic proliferative response of lymphoid tissue at the site. Hashimoto's thyroiditis, chronic orchitis, chronic sialadenitis, or chronic gastritis were suggested as such pathologic lesions, and chronic infection in the kid ney could be a precursor of primary renal NHL [26,32], Another explanation is that lymphomas can arise in the renal capsule rich in lymphatics and invade the renal parenchyma secondarily by forming cords of cells radiat ing centrally from capsular tissue [23,26], A possible alternative origin of primary renal NHL is a lymphomatous process from the perirenal adipose tissue with sec ondary involvement of the kidney [5], Finally, the lymph nodes of the renal sinus can permit diffuse lymphatic infiltration of the parenchyma [ 13], Renal failure in NHL is a frequent manifestation, most commonly caused by bilateral urinary obstruction due to retroperitoneal fibrosis, tumor invasion of the ureters and renal pelvis, or direct compression of these structures by affected retroperitoneal lymph nodes [4,7], Other causes are infiltration of the kidneys, obstruction of the renal artery or vein, hypercalcemia, paraproteinemia, amyloid osis, sepsis, uric acid nephropathy, and immunologically mediated nephritis [4,7], 2a * w Fig. 1 .…”